2022 Studio Pricing Update
December 18, 2021Well, it’s that time of year again. As business owners, we reflect on how the year went, what we had to do to make it through, and ultimately what that does to our pricing. So here goes…
For starters, we made it through 2021! A complete year in a global pandemic. Whew!
I am so grateful we were able to stay open, avoid shutdowns, mask up and keep our community as safe as possible. Seeing the instructors and students every day reinforced how much being a community yoga studio means to me.
You may have noticed some improvements this year that will help us stay put for years to come…some more disruptive than others.
We got an entirely brand new roof (that locks us in for 20+ years, right?), we waterproofed and updated our basement with in-studio laundry, we added touchless thermostats that are controlled offsite to limit surfaces that are regularly touched, put new sustainable insulation in floors and ceilings that will be more efficient for our HVAC and reduce noise, we added keyless door systems for enhanced security, and we’ve added a free UV mat sanitation station!
I couldn’t and wouldn’t do all of this if it weren’t for you—the students and teachers that make Brick City great.
And yes, it costs money, it’s expensive and it takes time. But it’s worth it because it helps our studio community. I want Brick City Yoga to continue to be a place where we can connect – for yoga, for conversation, for community – and will continue to pivot through whatever comes after a global pandemic to keep us going.
I think this is the part where I’m supposed to say we have to raise prices so we can afford to stay open and do all of this. And then I offer a great deal so you can buy all the classes before our prices go up.
But the truth is, we wouldn’t be here without you. The past 18+ months have more than proven that. I want to thank you for your commitment to us by keeping our classes at $10 a class. Still.
In community,