Y12SR (Yoga of 12-Step Recovery) “connects the dots” between the ancient wisdom of yoga, the practical tools of 12-step programs, and the latest research on trauma healing and neurobiology. As part of a holistic recovery program, it works in tandem with traditional treatment to address the physical, mental and spiritual disease of addiction.
As a 12-step based discussion and yoga practice, Y12SR is open to anyone and everyone dealing with their own addictive behavior or affected by the addictive behavior of others. This is an open and inclusive group. All A’s are welcome.Y12SR in no way replaces 12-Step meetings, a sponsor, or any other part of a 12-Step recovery program.
Who should attend?
All levels are welcome. Y12SR is open to anyone and everyone dealing with their own addictive behavior or affected by the addictive behavior of others. This is an open and inclusive group. All As are welcome.
Note: Y12SR is donation-based with a suggested donation of $10. This said, no one is ever turned away. Meetings will last approximately one hour.